Bloober Team are Done With Making Bad Games
The developers of the explosively popular Silent Hill 2 Remake have said that they want to continue making fantastic games and that the time for creating ‘s****y games’ is done. This was revealed as part of an interview with GameSpot in which the Polish studio’s director, Jacel Zieba, said the following:
“We want to find our niche, and we think we found our niche, so now we just–let’s evolve with it. And how that happens is more complex, but it also happens organically in a way… Okay, we made some sh*tty games before, but we evolve."
Image by Bloober Team
It’s true that Bloober Team didn’t find too much success before Silent Hill 2 was released. They had some releases that garnered a fanbase such as ‘Layers of Fear’ and ‘The Medium’ from 2021 but most of their AA games fell flat. They weren’t quite as bad as Zieba suggests but its clear that there was some room for improvement for their releases. With the fantastic critical success of the Silent Hill 2 Remake, it seems that Bloober Team have set a new foundation of quality for their next projects.
Image by Bloober Team
One of their upcoming projects is something we already know about. Chronos: The New Dawn was announced by the team riding off the high from Silent Hill 2’s critical success. This third person survival horror game will take on a twisted time travel story according to the devs. If this manages to maintain the quality bar from their most recent release, it’s worth keeping an eye on but keep in mind that this is a from-the-ground-up release, meaning they don’t have a quality base like Silent Hill 2’s original release to build upon this time.
Image by Bloober Team
Bloober Team may not have started off as a great and noteworthy studio but it seems that they could become one if they release more hits like their remake. Its good to see them continue to tackle the third person survival horror genre as this has been dominated by the typical Resident Evil and Outlast releases. If their current bar of quality remains high, they could quickly become a big name in this terrifying corner of the gaming industry.