Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is Impossible to be 100% Completed for Digital Owners

In an unfortunate turn of events for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth fans, a new update has caused certain saves to be put in a position where they cannot be 100% completed and, as a result, cannot be platinumed. This comes as a result of a bug that crawled its way into the game after the 1.020 update that released last week. This prevents a late game quest from being completed. Essentially, there is a score that players must beat in a racing minigame to continue but, despite beating the score multiple times, the quest will simply not progress.

Image by Square-Enix

While there is a workaround for physical owners of the game (albeit an annoying one), those who have purchased the digital version are out of luck. If you do own the disc version, you can uninstall the game and reinstall it but prevent it from updating to the latest version. This can be done by disconnecting your internet connection, which will stop the game-breaking update from being rolled out into your version of the remake.

Image by Square-Enix

Until a patch is rolled out by Square-Enix, digital owners will simply have to wait until this is fixed. Considering its the very last side quest of the game, this is understandably frustrating but, thankfully, it doesn’t completely remove the ability for players to progress. With other trophies up for grabs including completing the game on hard mode and finishing the brutally hard combat VR challenges, there is still a lot for fans to conquer before they can get their hands on the Platinum. Hopefully, however, Square Enix publish a patch to resolve this issue as soon as possible.


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